Meet the artists:
• Kosketus ihmisiin taiteen välityksellä on tärkeää kuvataiteilija/ taidekasvattaja Minna Kattelukselle. Taide on alusta kommunikaatiolle ja vaikuttamiselle. Se luo ymmärrystä itsestämme ja toisistamme sekä kiinnittää meitä yhteisöihin ja kulttuuriin. Koska taide on osa ihmisenä olemista, olen valinnut sen luodakseni iloa, toivoa ja positiivisia kokemuksia kanssaihmisille. Työssäni taidekasvatus ja draama avaavat maailmoja, joissa osallistujat tutkivat omaa ajatteluaan ja huomioivat kanssaihmisten mielenliikkeet. Suvaitsevaisuuden ja inhimillisen kasvun teemat ymmärryksen lisääntyessä kiehtovat minua taidekasvattajana ja taiteen tekijänä. REIKA VESALA - Japan • Reika Vesala is a textile artist and designer. In her work she expresses her ideas through textile techniques, materials and concepts. Literal arts are often her source of inspiration. She contemplates the meaning of the significance and nothingness, visible and invisible, of words and pictures. The words change into forms, materials and colours through her creative process. Costume, stage design, and wearable art is a part of her artistic production. She transforms and expresses the concept through the language of wearable. Her idea of community art is the connection. She contemplates how creative process connects people with art, single with collective, inward with expression, private with public, description with non-description. Reika’s art works have been seen in Japan, Finland, and Germany and performances in Japan and European countries. She lives in Forssa with her family in 125-year old wooden house where cockatiel Oskari sings and flies freely. |
• Harriet Rabe is an artist currently based in Helsinki and Berlin. She studied theatre, literature, philosophy and aesthetics in Berlin, Frankfurt (Oder) and Paris. Under the name Harriet Rabe she works in the field of performance and philosophy: devising, performing and writing on mould, morse code, unanswered calls, IKEA products, late night radio shows and fears. Often her pieces take a site- and context specific form between installation and intervention, dealing with the relationships between various kinds of beings and entities in a given moment. For her current artistic research at the Theatre Academy Helsinki, Rabe explores the potential of the absurd in the context of loss and paralysis when facing a crisis – as a possible interplay of performance art and socio-ecological inquiries. ANNA VORONKOVA - Russia • Anna Voronkova is a linguist and translator from Russia. Voronkova was first introduced to working with prisoners through La Resistencia magazine in Argentina. Since 2012 Anna has been facilitating comic book workshops in juvenile prisons in Russia together with Moscow Center for Prison Reform and is project coordinator for Respect. She travels once every three month for three hours to a prison in Moscow to make comics with teenage girls aged 16-18 years old. Voronkova shares that by “retelling the story it is not your story anymore.” This process of revealing, taking distance, and then listening to your story told from another voice is a powerful form of creative self expression and rehabilitation. JOLIJN DE WOLF - Netherlands • Jolijn de Wolf is an artist from the Netherlands. De Wolf makes performances, videos and photographic etchings. In her work she examines the multipolar experience of being human. She believes that myths and stories can have an emancipating function, empowering us to find our own way in life. She is a BFA in 2009 at the Hogeschool van de Kunsten Utrecht, and has been working as an independent artist. Currently she is a student at the MA Live Art and Performance Studies in the Theatre Acadamy Helsinki, Finland. In 2016 she founded the Mythological Institute. |